Young People’s Concerts

The Quincy Symphony Orchestra presents Young People's Concerts annually to area students during the school day.  Over 3,000 school children from over 30 schools and 10 counties attend these concerts each year.  Students are encouraged to join their school music programs.  The concerts are provided at absolutely no charge to the schools.

This interactive, educational and entertaining show is designed to introduce children of all ages to the instruments of the symphony orchestra. The concerts on Friday, March 21, 2025 will demonstrate the many instruments of the orchestra.  Conductor Bruce Briney will highlight the four sections of the orchestra – winds, brass, percussion and strings.  Performances times are 9:45am and 11:45am.  Pre-registration is required for school groups.  The 11:45 a.m. performance is free and open to the public—and at about 45 minutes, it’s perfect for a lunch break.

Information for Teachers and Administrators

Violinist Nathan Seaman demonstrates his instrument as students prepare for the performance

Violinist Nathan Seaman demonstrates his instrument as students prepare for the performance

The Quincy Symphony invites all of your students, grades 3-8 inclusive, to join us for 45 minutes of fine music.   The orchestra's conductor will introduce the instruments of the orchestra and the string, wind, brass, and percussion families. ADMISSION IS FREE in fulfillment of the QSOA’s mission to bring fine orchestral and choral music to the community, and to encourage young people to foster an interest in live symphonic and choral music. A teacher guide will be sent out to participating schools in advance of the concert. The guide will contain information about the QSOA, concert etiquette, instruments of the orchestra, and information on the music to be performed. We will also provide audio musical examples to help prepare your students.

RESERVATIONS: Reservations for all concerts are handled on a first-come basis on receipt of your reservation form. Attendance may be limited to increase health & safety. To accommodate the large demands from outlying schools, two concerts have been scheduled. To help with limited capacity and bus parking, we urge all parochial schools, outlying schools traveling by bus to choose the 11:45 a.m. concert as your first choice if possible (see registration form). Each class must have its own teacher(s) and chaperone(s) in attendance. If your selection of a concert time is filled by the time we receive your registration, we will call you immediately to try to arrange an alternate time for your school. Please indicate a 1st and 2nd choice on the registration form. All efforts will be made to accommodate your first choice.

TRANSPORTATION: Although concert admission is completely free, each school is responsible for its own transportation arrangements. A possible avenue for transportation funding might be your music booster or Parent-Teacher Organizations. Another possibility would be that a business in your local community would be willing to cover the bus cost. Many businesses understand the worth of music activities such as these concerts, and will be willing to support your attendance!

PARKING/EXITING BUSES: Students will be admitted approximately 20 minutes prior to each performance. We are constantly looking at the manner in which cars and buses discharge their passengers in an attempt to provide convenient, safe, and smooth parking arrangements. A map will be emailed to you with parking locations. Upon entering the building, your group will go through a security checkpoint and then will be ushered to its assigned seating area. We ask you to disperse your chaperones among your students.

SPECIAL NEEDS: Please provide us with information regarding the following by calling the Symphony Office, 217-222-2856 or indicate special needs on your registration form:

  1. Number of students in wheel chairs.
  2. Number of students with impaired hearing.

IMPORTANT DATES: As you might imagine, all efforts such as this require a high degree of coordination between the Symphony Orchestra, the Quincy Public Schools and those of us who are preparing and distributing materials. Please observe the following target dates:

  • February 28, 2025 - Please return the registration form to our office by this date, or earlier. Remember that reservations are on a first-come basis. Some schools have chosen to email their reservations to our office. Our email address is [email protected].
  • March 7, 2025 - Confirmation of your seating time will be provided to you by this date or sooner, along with teaching materials and evaluation forms. Please watch your email.

Quincy has many wonderful parks with play areas and picnic shelters if your group chooses to bring bag lunches. Information may be found at the Quincy Park District website

We do hope students from your school will be able to join us.  Questions?  Feel free to email Jane Polett at [email protected]. Mail written correspondence to:

Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association
1026 Maine St.
Quincy, Illinois 62301

Community support makes these free concerts possible!

Quincy Public Schools Music Department
Encore! Symphony Volunteer Council
Tracy Family Foundation
Dr. Robert & Shirley Murphy Endowment for Music Education*
Refreshment Services Pepsi
Sharkey Transportation
Quincy Service League
Stillwell Foundation
Quincy Wal-Mart Supercenter
Quincy Sam’s Club
Arts Quincy Arts Dollars grant program
Gem City (Breakfast) Kiwanis Club
Noon Kiwanis of Quincy
Illinois Arts Council Agency
Jayne & Leroy Boeckelman Fund for Young Musicians*
Cory Didriksen Lovelace Fund*
The Marion Gardner Jackson Charitable Trust

*= Community Foundation


Quincy Jr. High School Administration
Quincy Public Schools Transportation Department

Young People's Registration Form

Young People's Registration Form