Corporate Sponsorships

O V E R T U R E S of Support

Our region is so fortunate to have corporate supporters like you who believe in the cultivation and presentation of quality musical performances. Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association (QSOA) programs are made possible through many sources of financial support.  Major Corporate Sponsors are vitally important.

As a special thank you to our Major Sponsors for their financial commitment to our organization, we extend our sincere appreciation and provide civic recognition of your company’s support in print, electronically, and from the stage at each event.

Our Major Sponsors receive widespread publicity in all concert materials and on our website and social media. As your support increases, so does your corporate visibility. We vigorously promote your company on our tickets, direct mail, concert signs, programs, social media and electronic marketing, and other promotional materials. Details are listed by giving level on the Chart of Sponsorship Benefits.

To show our gratitude we offer everything from a private ensemble available for your corporate event to season and sponsored concert tickets to use as gifts for clients or as employee incentives and recognition.

M O V E M E N T S in the Right Direction

We are growing!  Average attendance at our orchestra concerts and the number of season ticket holders have tripled during Bruce Briney’s tenure as Music Director.  The incredible increases are attributed to renewed efforts to perform the music at the highest level possible, to enthusiasm in the regional corporate and arts community, and to a strong board commitment to the worth of our programs.  Ticket sales last season surpassed pre-Covid levels and we are redoubling our efforts to welcome back our audience and attract new patrons.

C O M P O S I T I O N of the QSOA

The Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association was founded in 1947 by George M. Irwin.  Our mission is to bring fine symphonic orchestral and choral music to the people of Quincy and the surrounding area, to providing organizations for local musicians to perform such music, and to create and support programs that encourage young musicians to continue fostering their interest and skills in symphonic and choral music.

Under the guidance of Dr. Bruce C. Briney, Music Director & Conductor since 2007, the QSOA has been thriving. Dr. Briney is an accomplished conductor, performer and educator. Briney recently retired after 30 years at Western Illinois University, where he taught trumpet, and was the former director of the university's Symphony Orchestra.  The QSOA artistic staff includes five talented conductors for our adult and youth ensemble programs.

The Association sponsors many educational opportunities for youth, including free admission to all concerts, and free in-school concerts for thousands of school children each year.  These performances expose young audiences, many from underserved populations, to live symphonic music.  The concerts inspire children to get involved in their school music programs which develop life-long beneficial character and social skills. Sponsorships help ensure these annual concerts are presented completely free of charge.


  • The QSOA includes the Quincy Symphony Orchestra, Quincy Symphony Chorus, Quincy Area Youth Orchestra, Quincy Area Youth Chorus, and Encore!, the Quincy Symphony Volunteer Council
  • Musicians and volunteers from more than 350 households are directly involved in presenting events
  • 10 concerts are performed from September to April
  • Over 1000 people in attendance at several recent concerts.  Children 18 and under attend all events free
  • Performances reach over 3,500 children, admitted free
  • Youth programs include youth orchestra and chorus ensembles, camp scholarships, private lesson grants, the annual Young Artist’s Competition, free admission, and direct support to Quincy school music programs
  • QSOA was recipient of George Irwin Arts Award for 2018 Non-profit Arts Organization of the Year
  • Bruce Briney received state-wide recognition as the  2013 Conductor of the Year by the IL Council of Orchestras, and Jane Polett was honored as the 2008 General Manager of the Year
  • The QSOA was awarded 2011 Community Relations of the Year and was named 2020 Illinois Community Orchestra of the Year by the IL Council of Orchestras.

Download & Print

View & Print Sponsorship Chart of Benefits 2024-2025 Concert Season (PDF)

OVERTURES of Support (PDF)