The Quincy Area Youth Orchestra is pleased to announce the names of students who secured a spot with the group. New and returning students audition annually for admission into the orchestra. The QAYO, under the direction of Dr. Richard Cangro, will perform side-by-side with the Quincy Symphony Orchestra on Feb. 14 at the “Winter Daydreams” concert and on March 13 at their own Spring Concert at the Kroc Center in Quincy.
This year’s ensemble includes 47 students from 17 different schools. Successful candidates include: Carlie Askew, Jacob Bartusch, Eddie Binosi, Emma Binosi, Elizabeth Briney, Jacob Bross, Adriana Brown, Monica Brown, Brittany Cane, Sophia Cepeda, Alpha Cepeda, Emily Cluff, Andrew Cochran, Eanna Deguzman, Ryan Deloney, Lexie DeStefane, Emily Edwards, Trey Ehrhart, Hedy Elligsen, Richard Engel, Andrew Goerlich, Taylor Gonnerman, Caleb Harmon, Lane Harmon, Madeleine Harney, Gwen Jenkins, Matthew Kim, Nora Krohn, Abbey Laws, Hannah Laws, Michelle McReynolds, Sarah McReynolds, Madeleine Nuebel, Matthew Polett, Madalyn Pridemore, Jordan Ratley, Samantha Santos, Stephen Schlinkmann, Ben Scholz, Adam Scott, Austin Shulse, Meredith Spradlin, Isabella Trinh, Tori Tyler, Rebecca Walker, Alex Waters and Dallas Will.
The QAYO was founded in 1988 to provide musical enrichment while challenging junior and senior high school students. Members from the tri-state area gather in Quincy for weekly rehearsals from November thru March. Musicians enjoy additional enrichment activities such as attending major symphony orchestra performances, and mentoring or master classes with professional musicians. The 2016 QAYO is funded in part by Encore! Symphony Volunteer Council, the Tracy Family Foundation, the Samantha Otte Youth Opportunity Fund, the Jayne & Leroy Boeckelman Fund for Young Musicians, the Katherine Broemmel Endowment for the Arts, the Alan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund through the Community Foundation and by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency. Visit for more information.