The Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association invites area musicians to participate in its 70th Concert Season. The Quincy Symphony Orchestra, Chorus, Youth Orchestra and Youth Chorus are comprised of musicians from throughout the region.
The Quincy Symphony Chorus is looking for additional singers to join the ensemble. The chorus meets from 7 to 9:15 p.m. Mondays beginning Aug. 28.
The chorus is a fun and talented group of musicians from all walks of life. Persons interested in singing with the Symphony Chorus should contact Conductor Dr. Phyllis Robertson at 217-228-2866 to set up a brief audition. Those who have sung with the chorus in the past are not required to re-audition, and are encouraged to call the QSOA office at 217-222-2856 for registration information. The Chorus will present a Christmas concert on Dec. 2 and an Irish-themed concert on March 17, 2018. They will join the Quincy Symphony Orchestra and the Quincy Area Youth Chorus on April 21, 2018, for the season finale concert.
The Quincy Symphony Orchestra, directed by Dr. Bruce Briney, rehearses from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesdays beginning August 28. The orchestra will perform four full programs throughout the season. Symphony concert dates are Oct. 1, Nov. 18, Feb. 11 and April 21. In addition, the QSO will perform children’s educational concerts on March 16.
Instrumental auditions will be held Thursday evening, Aug. 24. There are openings for 2nd horn, 2nd bassoon, and Principal Bass. Call 217-222-2856 or email [email protected] to receive audition requirements for these positions. Players are also needed for all string sections, and additional brass, woodwind, and percussion players are needed for works with larger instrumentation requirements and for the substitute list. Low string players are especially needed. Musicians should prepare a short solo example of their choice that will display their musical strengths. Call the QSOA office for an audition time.
Singers in grades three through 12 are invited to audition for the 2017-18 Quincy Area Youth Chorus. Accepted singers will perform with the QAYC at two of their own concerts as well as join the Quincy Symphony Orchestra and Chorus for a finale concert on April 21.
Auditions for the QAYC will be held Thursday, Aug. 22, beginning at 6 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, 333 S. 36th Street in Quincy. Auditioning children should prepare a song they enjoy singing. QAYC includes girls and boys with unchanged voices, and consists of two performing groups: The Kinderchor for the younger singers is directed by Amy Fairchild and the Concert Choir for older members is directed by Paul Shelor. Rehearsals are held either on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons. Call the QSOA office for an audition time.
The Quincy Area Youth Orchestra will hold auditions for its 2017-2018 season on October 8 from 3 – 7 p.m. All new and returning members must audition. Call the QSOA office for an audition time slot.
QAYO candidates must be in grades 7-12 and have at least three years of playing experience (qualified 6th graders will be considered). Membership may be limited to maintain a proper balance of instruments in the orchestra. String players are especially encouraged to audition. Students should prepare material found on the youth orchestra page of, along with a solo of their choice.
Those selected to the QAYO will rehearse weekly through March and perform in two concerts: A side-by-side performance with the Quincy Symphony Orchestra on Feb. 11, 2018, and at their own spring concert on March 11.
To sign up for an audition time with the QSO, the youth chorus or the youth orchestra, call the symphony office at 217-222-2856 on Monday through Friday, or email [email protected]. More information on our performing ensembles may be found at